Training your quads is a key part of strengthening and carving your legs. Whether you are a gym rat or devising your first training plan, the exercises below will help you meet your fitness goals.

squat on bosu ball

squat on bosu ball

1. Start by placing the Bosu ball on the floor with the flat side down and the rounded side up. 2. Stand on the Bosu ball, positioning your feet hip-width apart. Make sure your feet are flat on the ball and your body is balanced. 3. Once you're balanced, slowly lower your body into a squat position. Keep your back straight, your chest up, and your knees over your toes. 4. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure your knees do not go past your toes as this can cause injury. 5. Pause for a moment at the bottom of the squat, then push through your heels to rise back up to the starting position. 6. Repeat this movement for your desired number of repetitions. Remember to engage your core throughout the exercise to help maintain balance. If you're new to using a Bosu ball, you may want to have a wall or chair nearby to help with balance.
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