Training your adductors is a key part of strengthening and sculpting your legs. Whether you are a seasoned workout veteran or devising your first training plan, the workouts below will help you meet your fitness goals.

cable hip adduction

cable hip adduction

To perform the cable hip adduction exercise, follow these steps: 1. Start by setting the cable machine to the lowest height setting and attach the ankle cuff to your right ankle. 2. Stand sideways to the cable machine, keeping your left side closer to the machine. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart and your knees are slightly bent. 3. Hold onto the machine for balance, and keep your body straight and upright. 4. Slowly move your right leg across the front of your body, towards your left side. Ensure that the movement is controlled and you feel a stretch in your inner thigh. 5. Hold this position for a moment, then slowly return your leg back to the starting position. 6. Repeat this movement for your desired number of repetitions, then switch to your left leg and repeat the exercise. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise and avoid leaning or bending your body to the side. The movement should come from your hip and not your waist. This exercise targets your adductor muscles, which are the muscles in your inner thigh.
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