Training your abductors is a vital part of strengthening and trimming your legs. Whether you are a seasoned workout veteran or developing your first training plan, the workouts below will help you meet your fitness goals.

straight leg outer hip abductor

straight leg outer hip abductor

1. Start by standing upright with your feet hip-width apart. This is your starting position. 2. Shift your weight onto your right foot, keeping your body straight and your core engaged. 3. Slowly lift your left leg out to the side as high as you can without bending your knee. Keep your toes pointed forward and ensure your body remains straight. You should feel a contraction in your outer hip and thigh. 4. Hold this position for a second, then slowly lower your leg back to the starting position. 5. Repeat this movement for your desired number of repetitions, then switch to your right leg. 6. For a more challenging workout, you can add ankle weights or resistance bands. Remember to keep your movements slow and controlled, and avoid leaning to the side as you lift your leg. This exercise can be performed 2-3 times a week as part of your lower body workout routine.

side hip abduction

side hip abduction

To perform the side hip abduction exercise, follow these steps: 1. Start by standing upright with your feet hip-width apart. Your hands can rest on your hips or hang by your sides. 2. Shift your weight to your right foot, keeping your body straight and your core engaged. 3. Slowly lift your left leg out to the side as high as you comfortably can without leaning to the right. Keep your toes pointed forward and your leg straight. 4. Hold this position for a moment, then slowly lower your leg back to the starting position. 5. Repeat this movement for your desired number of repetitions. 6. Once you've completed your set, switch to your other leg and repeat the process. Remember to keep your movements slow and controlled, and avoid leaning your body to the side as you lift your leg. This exercise should be felt in the outer hip and thigh area. If you feel any discomfort or pain, stop the exercise immediately.

side bridge hip abduction

side bridge hip abduction

1. Start by lying on your side on a mat or comfortable surface. Ensure your legs are straight and stacked on top of each other. 2. Prop yourself up on your elbow, which should be directly under your shoulder, and place your free hand on your hip. This is your starting position. 3. Lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your feet. This is the side bridge position. 4. While maintaining this side bridge, slowly lift your top leg as high as you can. This is the hip abduction part of the exercise. 5. Pause for a moment at the top, then slowly lower your leg back down to meet your bottom leg. 6. Lower your hips back down to the ground. This completes one repetition. 7. Aim to complete 10-15 repetitions on one side, then switch to the other side and repeat the exercise. 8. For best results, try to do 2-3 sets on each side. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise and avoid letting your hips drop. This exercise should be performed using your body weight only, so no additional equipment is necessary.
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