Training your upper back is a key part of strengthening and carving your back. Whether you are a workout enthusiast or forming your first training plan, the workouts below will help you meet your fitness goals.

resistance band seated straight back row

resistance band seated straight back row

1. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. 2. Place the center of the resistance band around the soles of your feet, holding the ends of the band in each hand. 3. Sit up straight, keeping your back and neck in a neutral position. This is your starting position. 4. Pull the band towards your waist, keeping your elbows close to your body and squeezing your shoulder blades together. 5. Hold this position for a moment, feeling the tension in your upper back muscles. 6. Slowly release the band back to the starting position. 7. Repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to support your lower back. Also, ensure that the movement is controlled, focusing on the muscle contraction and not on the band's pull.

band one arm twisting seated row

band one arm twisting seated row

1. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. 2. Secure the band around your feet, ensuring it's tight enough to provide resistance but not so tight that it restricts your movement. 3. Hold one end of the band in your right hand, keeping your arm fully extended. Your palm should be facing inward. 4. Keep your back straight and engage your core. This is your starting position. 5. Pull the band towards your waist while twisting your torso to the right. As you pull, rotate your right hand so your palm faces up. 6. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for a moment at the top of the movement. 7. Slowly return to the starting position, controlling the movement as you release the band. 8. Repeat the movement for your desired number of repetitions. 9. Switch to your left hand and repeat the exercise, this time twisting your torso to the left. 10. Remember to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the exercise. This exercise targets your upper back, but also works your biceps and core. Adjust the resistance of the band as needed to suit your strength level.

band one arm standing low row

band one arm standing low row

1. Stand upright and place the band under one foot. Ensure the band is securely under your foot to avoid any slipping during the exercise. 2. Hold the other end of the band with the hand of the same side. Your palm should be facing inwards towards your body. This is your starting position. 3. Pull the band upwards towards your waist, keeping your elbow close to your body. As you pull, squeeze your shoulder blades together and ensure your upper body remains stationary. 4. Hold this position for a moment, focusing on the contraction in your upper back muscles. 5. Slowly lower your arm back to the starting position, maintaining control of the band at all times. 6. Repeat this movement for your desired number of repetitions. 7. Once you have completed your set, switch to the other foot and hand and repeat the exercise. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to maintain balance and stability. Also, ensure the band is of appropriate resistance to challenge your muscles without compromising your form.
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