Training your biceps is a important part of growing and carving your arms. Whether you are a gym rat or devising your first training plan, the workouts below will help you meet your fitness goals.

bodyweight side lying biceps curl

bodyweight side lying biceps curl

To perform the bodyweight side lying biceps curl, start by lying down on your right side on a flat surface. Keep your body straight and align your legs one on top of the other. Place your left hand on your left hip, and your right arm should be flat on the ground, fully extended, and under your body. This is your starting position. Now, using your biceps, bend your right elbow and try to lift your upper body off the ground. Keep your left hand on your hip and your legs on the ground throughout the movement. Pause for a moment at the top of the movement, then slowly lower your body back down to the starting position. Ensure that you're using your biceps to lift your body, not your back or shoulders. Repeat this movement for your desired number of repetitions. Once you've completed your set, switch sides and repeat the exercise with your left arm. Remember to keep your movements slow and controlled, focusing on the muscle contraction and not on the weights. This exercise is all about technique, not speed. As with any exercise, if you feel any pain or discomfort, stop immediately and consult with a healthcare professional.

biceps pull-up

biceps pull-up

To perform a biceps pull-up, start by finding a sturdy pull-up bar. Stand beneath the bar and reach up to grasp it with your palms facing towards you in a supine grip. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart. Engage your core and keep your body straight. Pull your body upwards towards the bar, focusing on using your biceps to do the work. Continue to pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Hold this position for a moment, then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Make sure to keep your movements controlled and steady, avoiding any jerky motions or using momentum to pull yourself up. Repeat this exercise for your desired number of repetitions. Remember to keep your focus on your biceps throughout the exercise, ensuring they are doing the majority of the work. If you find this exercise too challenging, you can modify it by using a resistance band for assistance or by performing negative pull-ups where you start at the top and slowly lower yourself down.

biceps narrow pull-ups

biceps narrow pull-ups

To perform biceps narrow pull-ups, start by finding a sturdy pull-up bar. Stand beneath the bar and reach up to grasp it with your palms facing towards you in a narrow grip. Your hands should be closer together than shoulder-width apart. Engage your core and keep your body straight as you pull your body upwards towards the bar. Ensure that your elbows are close to your body and not flaring out to the sides. Continue to pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar level. Hold this position for a moment, squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement. Then, slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position, fully extending your arms but not locking your elbows. Ensure that you are controlling the movement both on the way up and on the way down, not letting gravity do the work for you. This is one repetition. For beginners, aim for 3 sets of 5 repetitions. As you get stronger, you can increase the number of repetitions and sets. Remember to rest for at least 1 minute between sets to allow your muscles to recover. Always maintain proper form throughout the exercise to avoid injury and to ensure that the target muscles are being effectively worked. If you find it difficult to perform the exercise using your body weight, you can use an assisted pull-up machine or a resistance band for support until you build up your strength.

biceps leg concentration curl

biceps leg concentration curl

To perform the biceps leg concentration curl, begin by sitting on the edge of a sturdy chair or bench. Spread your legs apart wider than shoulder-width. Choose which arm you want to start with and place that elbow on the inside of your thigh, just above the knee. Your arm should be fully extended and your palm should be facing upward. This is your starting position. Now, using only your biceps, curl your arm upward as if you were trying to touch your shoulder with your hand. Keep your elbow firmly planted on your thigh throughout the movement to ensure that only your biceps are doing the work. Once your hand is as close to your shoulder as it can get, hold the position for a second, squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement. Then, slowly lower your hand back down to the starting position. Repeat this movement for your desired number of repetitions, then switch to the other arm and do the same. Remember to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the exercise. Also, make sure to breathe in as you lower your hand and breathe out as you curl it upward. This exercise can be done without any equipment, using just your body weight. However, if you want to increase the intensity, you can hold a small weight in your hand as you perform the curl.
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